
Make the most of your unwanted hardware with Evernex buy-back


Our buy-back program

Make the most of your unwanted hardware

Increase the ROI on your IT assets

Selling us your unused hardware is a great way to obtain additional funds that can
be used to purchase new equipment.

Improve your sustainability scores

We recycle and reuse equipment, so using our buy-back program enables you to help prevent the creation of additional e-waste

Simplify your upgrade process

We deal with every stage of the process, from collection to reprocessing, letting you focus on your core business.

IBM Support & Maintenance
Dell EMC Maintenance
ibm logo
hitachi logo
sunoracle logo
Arista logo
Overland Tandberg
mini logo Evernex

Multi-vendor support

All major brands supported

Our multi-vendor expertise extends to all leading manufacturers. We sell, rent and support industry-leading equipment from a wide array of brands.

All manufacturers

How it works

Evernex Buy-back, step by step

Number 1 Evernex

Get in touch

Contact Evernex and get a quote on your unused hardware

Evernex number 2


Evernex collects and recycles your hardware

Number 3 Evernex

Get paid

Receive payment from the sale and report increased sustainability

Data center Third-party Maintenance

Get in touch with our experts

Give your assets a second life with Evernex buy-back

Contact us

Key figures

Reasons to partner with Evernex buy-back


assets refurbished every year


buy-back packages


tons of raw materials returned to use every year


parts refurbished every year


Make the most of your hardware

Your unwanted hardware still has a lot to give.

By selling us your unused assets, you ensure both a better ROI and also that they will be recycled and used to power equipment instead of ending up in landfill.

Discover more
The challenges and opportunities of sustainable IT

Buy-back FAQ

Buy-back Program

woman-working at desk Evernex

How can our company take part in the Evernex buy-back program?

Simply fill in a form and we’ll get back to you promptly to answer any questions and discuss the specifics of your case. 

What kind of savings can we expect from taking part in Evernex buy-back?

The Evernex buy-back program allows you to recover a portion of the initial investment made in your IT equipment as well as avoid the expenses of retaining unused IT equipment.

Does Evernex buy-back offer any guarantees regarding performance and quality?

Yes, the Evernex buy-back program guarantees performance and quality. All IT equipment is thoroughly tested and inspected to ensure it meets our stringent standards.

Contact us

Get in touch with our Buy-back experts today


    Request a quote